Work packages


WP Lead: ECL


1) To investigate the biogeochemical and microbial processes happening above and on ice surfaces, and 

2) to provide a mechanistic understanding of microbial interactions across a range of surface habitats (e.g., air, snow, ice and cryoconite holes). 

WP2 SUBGLACIAL BIOME and downstream Impact 

WP Lead: UiT


1) To investigate biogeochemical and microbial processes happening in subglacial environments and 

2) to provide a mechanistic understanding of the chemical reactions happening under the ice and their impact on downstream habitats 

WP3 Glacier ecosystem services

WP Lead: Dr. Brill


1) To provide an understanding of the ecosystem services that the glacier biome can provide and

 2) to assess the risks to society as a function of glacier melting and ecosystem service deterioration 

WP4 Method integration 

WP Lead: GFZ 


1) To provide crucial coordination of the omics and sensor technology methods used in the different DC projects in ICEBIO, and 

2) to provide recommendations for procedures for future microbial and biogeochemical studies of the glacier biome 

WP5 Management

WP Lead: AU 


1) To provide a first point of contact for all the participants and the European Commission, and

2) to oversee and support all the other elements of the proposal in relation to research, training, dissemination and overall management and 3) to coordinate and help all beneficiaries with financial and reporting duties. 

WP6 recruitment and training

WP Lead: AU 

All beneficiaries and partners are involved in this WP. Four main mechanisms will ensure the delivery of the WP objectives: 

1) Coordination by AU of the recruitment among all the participants in ICEBIO with parallel advertisements and following the MSCA guidelines for recruitment.

 2) Local research and complementary skills training with the participation of all main and secondary supervisors, including the coordination of secondments. 

3) Coordination of fieldwork activities to ensure optimal use of resources for training and collection of glacier samples, led by the participants with access to field logistics (AU, UIBK, UiT, EPFL, NPI). 

4) Network-wide training (organised by AU, UiT, GFZ, ECL, UIBK, DCE, HYD, BRILL, CWS). 

WP7 dissemination and outreach  

WP Lead: GFZ 


To engage with specialist and non-specialist stakeholders and disseminate results to European governments, industry and citizens according to open science practices, through open websites and direct engagement with the public, in order to improve citizens’ understanding of the glacier biome and the consequences of its loss.